Toni Pezzanov (Skopje/Macedonia)

Toni Pezzanov

Bandoneon is a type of small accordion, but in the hands of this renowned master musician it sounds mesmerizingly powerful. This Macedonian virtuoso, who is well-known across the world, cultivates the sounds of classical music mixed with some elements of jazz and tango, which he has been adding more and more to his repertoire, which has opened new horizons for him and has made him even more recognizable.

Toni started playing the accordion when he was seven, and since then he has regarded it as the only possible vocation for him. He went through all the levels of music education, honing and perfecting his rare talent, and today he is a respectable and esteemed accordion professor. There are no local or national prizes for music that he has not won, and he eagerly shares his knowledge with other artists, with whom he creates new sounds and searches for further challenges. His extraordinary mastery of black and white keys has also taken him to South America, the cradle of tango, where his art now has a new, important base. His performance at Gradić Fest is a part of his big European summer tour.

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