Pop Hor Radio

Pop Hor Radio was founded in October 2016. It consists of a large number (currently 77) of male and female singers of different generations, professions, and interests. So far, they have had numerous performances in Novi Sad and its surroundings, including mini-tours in Slovenia in December 2019 and June 2022, and in Ohrid in 2022. They participated in the ceremonial opening of the Eđšeg European Capital of Culture EPK 2021 cultural station, they have sang at events such as “Novosadsko proleće” (“Novi Sad Spring”), “Noćni bazar” (“Night Bazaar”), “Fruškogorski maraton” (“Fruška gora Marathon”), “Pikanterije” (“Picanteries”), “Noć Biologije” (“Biology Night”), “Noć istraživača” (“Researchers Night”), “Novosadska kultura sećanja” (“Novi Sad Culture of Memory”), the Vremeplov Festival, Nišville Jazz Festival 2021, the Ohrid Kostoski Festival 2022, Days of the Danube and Banoštor Days of Grapes 2021, and many others. They proudly point out that they have organized and participated in a large number of humanitarian events, of which they single out events for collecting money to help the work of the organizations “Živeti uspravno” (“Live Upright”) and “Srce” (“Heart”), as well as many concerts for people who needed help.
The choir is amateur, and the choir members are aged 18+. Their performances are energetic, and their repertoire includes pop, jazzy, funky, rock, film and electronic music. The choir was founded and is conducted by Dušica Stojković (teacher at the music school “Čarobna Frula”, conductor of the children’s choir “Čarobna Frula”, singer and keyboard player in the band Drum n Zez, ex member of the bands GBB and Lutke).
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