Examples in Other Cities


Belgrade’s City Council has determined rules about the conditions and processes of granting permits for performing culture and art programs in public spaces and areas of public use within the territory of Belgrade in 2013.

On the first discussion of regulating street performing in Novi Sad the guests were Darko Glavaš, director of City of Belgrade’s Beokom and president of the Request Review Commission for Performers of Cultural and Artistic Programs, and Jovan Radulović, member of the Request Review Commission for Performers of Cultural and Artistic Programs of the City of Belgrade.

Darko Glavaš said during the panel discussion that the regulation of street performing in Belgrade has significantly improved the cultural and touristic offer of the city and that Novi Sad must be ready for the long road from initiative to adopting the guideline which would regulate performances in the streets and squares.

Jovan Radulović emphasized as a very encouraging fact that on the last audition for street programs in Belgrade, twice as many artists applied than two years ago, when regulation began in Belgrade. On the panel, he presented the terms and criteria for performing street programs in Belgrade’s public spaces and added that on deciding street performing participates a professional commission made up of renowned artists, media representatives and city institutions.

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