O.K.O.T i Mitar Zorić

O.K.O.T i Mitar Zorić

The band O.K.O.T. from Niš brings the spirit of street gigs to this year’s Gradić Fest.

O.K.O.T. was created as a duo in 2019 when the singer-songwriter Mitar Zorić from Niš was joined by the guitarist Tom Sawyer. The band itself has several members, but at this year’s Street Musicians Festival Zorić and Sojer will perform as the original line-up.

Their setlist consists of their original songs, with a few songs by Dylan or Waits, and their repertoire is very reminiscent of the 1950s and 1960s. They focus on their original expression and new songs. They describe themselves as two “wandering and hyper-productive artists” who create a new song every two weeks, so the visitors to Gradić Fest will have the opportunity to hear a lot of their new pieces.



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