Band RoY was created as a reflex to the planetary civilizational phenomenon of abandonment and marginalization of art and creativity in general. This young band finds its aesthetics and ideological and philosophical tenacity in the music of the late 1960s and 1970s. They achieve their unique musical stage expression through original work and creativity as a neo-hippie band. They performed at the Velikogradištanska gitarriada, Nishville, Terra art music festival, 4 independent all-night concerts on big stages, motorcycle meetings, club gigs. Their original expression can be summed up under the quality of rock’n’roll, but nuanced through flirting with genres such as: blues, blue grass, soul, funk, and recently by introducing traditional instruments (bagpipes) and with Renaissance and medieval music through the prism strong distorted rock sound.
Band members: Vid Vašalić, guitar, drums, percussion, vocals Stefan Polić, bass Andrijana Zobenica, vocals, percussion Milan Vašalić, drums, bagpipes
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