Bojana Vunturišević (Belgrade/Serbia)

Bojana Vunturišević

Bojana Vunturišević, a new/old face, the ex-vocal of the band Svi na pod, has recently started performing as a solo artist, and as such has already gained a rather enviable reputation. This courageous young woman, who has a recognizable voice and a unique style, continues her career on the (un)certain paths of the regional scene at a somewhat slower tempo, but with more studious approach to poetry writing.

She has matured since her post-teenage days in the band whose member she was in her twenties. Bojana devotes herself to the so-called female topics, which she considers from a personal viewpoint, using a very emotional color range and plenty of notions which refer to frustrations of modern life in a big city. Regarding her music and genre, she describes herself with one word –pop, although remaining faithful to trip hop/dance elements and solid guitar riffs which are also present on the two studio albums released by the band Svi na pod. The song dedicated to Amy Winehouse on her recently released album Daljine inevitably indicates a dose of influence of the late singer, which can be sensed in the tenderness and strength of Bojana’s vocal. The current single “Kese etikete” is a true illustration of the big potential of the rising heroine of the newest wave in Serbian pop culture.

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