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Danube Streamwaves @Gradić fest

This year in Gradić we will have the pleasure of welcoming the radio network Danube Streamwaves, which consists of four radio stations from four states through which the river Danube flows: Radio Free FM from Ulm (Germany), Radio Fro from Linz (Austria), Civil Radio from Budapest (Hungary), and O Radio from Novi Sad (Serbia).

These four stations started the project Danube Streamwaves with the goal of using their joint programs to support new artists and authors from their countries. The network has so far broadcasted over 50 radio broadcasts, in which they have predominantly promoted musicians, but also other artists from Germany, Austria, Hungary and Serbia.

The fourth anniversary of Danube Streamwaves will be celebrated at the 19th Street Musicians Festival with performances by the band Kosmo from Ulm, electro band Savages Y Suefo from Budapest, as well as by two local bands chosen at the competition.
You are on the right wave!

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